Смарт-трик PINCO, что никто обсуждает вопрос

Смарт-трик pinco, что никто обсуждает вопрос

Смарт-трик pinco, что никто обсуждает вопрос

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The player later confirmed that the casino returned his winnings and he managed to withdraw the funds successfully, therefore we marked this complaint as resolved.

Иногда бывают проблемы с выплатами, но виноват обычно медленный банк.

After the player had lodged a complaint, the casino had credited the deposit to his account. Consequently, the issue had been resolved and the complaint had been closed.

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Despite this, the casino had cancelled the withdrawals citing they exceeded the daily limit. The player later reported that one withdrawal had been successful and decided to close the complaint. The issue had been marked as resolved by the Complaints Team.

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The player from Japan was unable to withdraw funds as the casino canceled withdrawal requests, claiming virtual currency withdrawals were not possible due to EUR deposits. Despite being told that bank deposits and withdrawals were available, these options did not appear.

The player from Brazil deposited money to the casino on May 14th, 2024. However, as of May 15th, the deposit had not been reflected in the casino account. The casino attributed the delay to problems with the payment provider, despite the player providing proof of the PIX transaction.

Часом у вас возникнет проблема с легальным букмекером (например – заблокируют аккаунт без весомых перманентно то причин), вы сможете обратиться в ЦУПИС вдобавок вернуть свои деньги.

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We recommended the player contact the payment provider for investigation. Eventually, the player confirmed that the money arrived in the casino account within the expected timeframe, and the complaint was marked as resolved.

After the player's account was unexpectedly disabled, he had threatened legal action. Fortunately, the situation had been resolved when the player's funds were credited to him. We had marked the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.

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